10 April 2008

So, I Ended Up Getting...

Hello again Bloglandia! I've been away for quite a while...

The wedding I asked for help on has come and gone. All I can say about that, is thank god! I'm wedding free for another five months.

I appreciated your ideas on gifts and I ended up going with a set of BBQ Utensils and stuck a set of metal skewers for kabobs inside. I also picked up a few (okay, 8 of the small bottles) different spices from Penzey's and threw (well, maybe not threw...)it all in a basket. We'll see what the bride thought when the thank you note arrives.

Life has certainly picked up the pace, but now that I can pre-write Blogger posts, I just may do that, so I'm not ignoring my notions due to baseball or soccer or scouts or....sleep.

Until later!